miercuri, 22 septembrie 2010

Financial Mathematics

If you want to calculate rates or the economy or to correct previzionezii is good to have a business idea and the figures and calculation formulas and percentages and all but if not sure it will reusiii you better chose another career in this life that can not be done with mathematical approximation and probably so-so but if you want to learn the result aiun derost all formulas and you can imcepi what is below

1. Financial Mathematics
1.1 percent. Percentage ratio. Determine the percentage of a number
Percentage ratio call report form p/100 p> = 0.
Manufacturer P numjeste percentage. Note: p%
To find out the water% of a given number is the number that made p/100 p/100 ie multiplied by the number given.
A television costs $ 160. At Christmas there is a discount of 15%. How much will be paid for television?
Answer: The buyer pays with 15/100 * 160 = $ 24 less. So, for a sum paid television 160-24 = $ 136.
Determining a number when a percentage of it is known.
Required to determine if we have a number that p% of it (ie p/100 * s) is t, ie there is equality p/100 * s = t and hence s = (100 * t) / p is the number determined
A student read 180 pages of a book, which represents 60% of the total number of pages of the book. How many pages does the book?
Answer: If you marked it with x number of pages of the book, then the statement (60/100) * x = 180. Hence x = 300. So the book has 300 pages.
1.2 Interest. Simple interest
Getting financial mathematics is interest. Interest is the amount of money that is paid by the debtor to the creditor a cash loan.
Easiest to bring investment income is depositing money in a bank or ERC for a certain period with some interest (which represents a certain amount of money a saver receives after a while). This is simple interest.
But if this amount is added to the original and it calculates interest for a similar period of time, adding at the end of this period, etc.. When we speak of a compound interest.
To distinguish the two types of interest: interest paid, which is interest paid by banks or CEC depositors for amounts deposited and interest received, which is interest received from banks or CEC from borrowers for amounts borrowed.

Interest is the amount on a unified monetary unit for a year, is rated 'unsatisfactory' on Interest i. 100 monetary units for a year is called a percentage, noted p. So p = 100i
For S monetary units (MU) during a year get interest:
D = And = Sp/100
For S u.m. time of t-years interest, simple interest is called:
D = S * i * t = (S * p * t) / 100
where S is the amount deposited, t number of years that sum has been made, and p is the percentage dobanziicare represents the amount paid for deposit by 100 monetary units (MU) for a period of one year. S/100 is the number of sets of 100 contained the sum S (S/100) * p is a year interest on deposit, and D is n-year interest on the sum S. The formula here is on interest pm Monday formula
D = (S * p * m) / (100 * 12)
Note. In finance, marketing year is 360 days and each month has 30 days.
If S 'is the initial deposit period t and then sum-rate unitary
final or final value is:
St = S '+ D = S' + S'it = S '(1 + it)


1. Depositor at a bank put a sum of 100,000 lei a rate of 15% interest. What is the interest obtained after one year? But after three years?

Answer: After a year the interest is equal to 100000 * (15/100) = 15000 lei, after three years its value is equal to 3 * 15 000 = 45 000 lei.

2. Interest rate to determine if an amount of 12 000 um six years without an interest rate of 2.880 u.m.?

Answer: here S = 12 000 u.m., D = 2880, t = 6. Result of simple interest formula p = (100 * D) / S * t = 4, which means that the annual interest rate is 4%.

1.3 compound interest
A sum of money is dealt compound interest (capitalized) if, at
sfsrsitul first period, simple interest is added to that period amount to produce, in turn, interest in the near future: Whether S 0 initial amount, the percentage p, and p = 100 unitary interest, the amount of investment duration t S 0 (number whole) and S t the final amount after t periods, then:
If 1 + i = u fruition will be a factor found in the financial tables for t = 1,2,3, ... for different percentages when the final sum will be:
Interest will be made for t-all:

Initial amount deposited will be:
1.4 Value Added Tax
VAT is a tax that covers all phases of the economic circuit, namely production, and distribution services to the retailer to final consumers, including.
As to the state budget VAT is an indirect tax that is established on property transfer operations on the supply of goods and services. It is a flat tax that is levied in the corresponding fractional value added at each stage of the economic circuit. Value added is equivalent to the difference between sales and purchases related to the same stage of economic circuit.

Subject to value added operations are divided into two categories: a) operations which have the effect of transferring property ownership however is this: sale, exchange of goods, company capital of a company and in some cases even free delivery. b) operations involving the provision of services Taking into account the nature and origin of goods subject to value added operations are divided into law: a) deliveries of goods b) the transfer of property ownership between businesses and between them and institutions or individuals. c) providing services d) importation of goods and services

Supplies of movable property
Includes all operations which made the ownership of movable goods in whatever form in which this transfer of ownership is achieved.
Special cases of transfer of ownership that comes within the scope of the VAT law are: a) Exchanges of goods - A manufacturer of engine change a car manufacturer for 20 to a car engine. Each operator is deemed to have made a good delivery and is liable to pay the VAT even if the transfer of property assets was not made against payment in U.S. dollars. b) rental of goods under a contract clause property passing to the goods after paying the final installment or on a certain date. c) Acquisition by a trader of goods purchased or manufactured by him for their use in any form for personal use or to be made available to other individuals or d) legal charge, with some exceptions provided by lege.Exceptiile refers to goods donated to support humanitarian and social activities, cultural, sports, or entertainment, advertising and publicity in value ceilings set under the budget law.
1.4 Profit

Profit (denoted by P) represents the difference between revenue (denoted by V, or receipts) and expenditures (or total cost noted CT)
So P = V-CT
All profit we can calculate the difference between production value and total cost. In this case P = P * Q-TC where p is the unitary price (the price of a product), and Q is the production (in number of pieces)
If P is calculated on a piece (unit) when talk of profit product unit, and if P is calculated for the entire production, then say it's all profit. We call such profit calculated gross income. Dacxa of this income minus income taxes to get what is called net proftul.

The normal profit (or unitary) intelegm profit entity that provides the probability to continue their work.

Call rate of return, noted rp, the ratio of profit (P) and total costs (TC).

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